This upgrade has been replaced with 12.5012 The upgrade can be downloaded and installed anytime, however it will require all users to be logged out of WorkDESK for the duration of the install.
12.5008 Update Instructions – Instructions for installing the WorkDESK 12.5008 Update (All User’s) – Instructions are the same as for 12.3275.
Upgrade WorkDESK Outlook Integration.pdf – This upgrade contains a new version of Outlook Integration 12.5008 for Office 2019 if you are experiencing issues with your current version of Outlook Integration you should uninstall your previous version and have 12.5008 installed. This version will support Office 2016 32 bit and 64 bit
Installing WdServer service.pdf – WDServer should not require re-installation for this upgrade. These notes should assist with stopping/ starting these services referenced in the update instructions.